
Continuous Support of Connected and Automated Driving for Mixed Traffic With Heterogeneously Equipped Vehicles

Introduction and Objectives

The collaborative research project HarmonizeDD focuses on the seamless integration of automated and conventional vehicles (mixed traffic) in inner-city areas. In order to accomplish this goal, innovative basic services will be provided area-wide by a »Mobile Cloud«. Traffic participants benefit from advanced features (for example automated vehicle control), based on wayside cloud systems. The complementary use of innovative communication technologies and protocols as well as user interfaces allow for realization of these requirements. The approaches will be evaluated on the digital test field for autonomous driving in Dresden/Saxony with the purpose of drawing conclusions for the urban infrastructures development of future transport and communication.

Funded by

Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)

Contribution by the Fraunhofer IVI

The Fraunhofer IVI designs communication protocols to connect vehicles and transport infrastructure and develops solutions to equip these vehicles. Moreover, the Fraunhofer IVI is leading in defining application related traffic scenarios and deals with the measurement of potential problem situation in mixed traffic. The institute plays a major role for both the implementation of mobile cloud and wayside RSU (road-side unit) cloud systems including the development of algorithms for innovative traffic application and services.

Project Partners

  • IAV GmbH Automotive Engineering (Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr)
  • Mugler AG
  • Noritel Mobile Kommunikation GmbH 
  • Preh Car Connect GmbH 
  • Vodafone GmbH 
  • IVM Institut für Vernetzte Mobilität gGmbH
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Technische Universität Dresden

Associated Partners

  • City of Dresden
  • Technische Universität Dresden - Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems



April 01, 2017 – June 30, 2019
(27 months)

Funding Agency


VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH Munich (administration on behalf of BMVI)